PARAS’10 Catterick 27 September 2025

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PARAS'10 Catterick

The original PARAS’10 race, now firmly established as one of the UK’s must do endurance challenges. Located at Catterick Garrison in North Yorkshire.

Want to run with your dog? You can choose to enter the PARAS’10 Run or PARAS’10 TAB with your dog as part of our Canicross event.

The PARAS’10 is based on the 10-miler, which is the first event of The Parachute Regiment’s P Company Test Week for selection. The 10-mile march is conducted as a squad over undulating terrain with each candidate carrying a bergen (backpack) weighing 35lbs (plus water) and a weapon. The march must be completed in 1 hour and 50 minutes.

Founded by WO1 JJ Wilson, The PARAS’10 was hosted by The Parachute Regiment in Aldershot between 1982 and 1993.  After the Paras left Aldershot, this legendary event was dormant until it was revived by Major Sam McGrath in 2008 at the Infantry training Centre Catterick, North Yorkshire. Due to success in Catterick the race was taken to the home of 16 Air Assault Brigade in Colchester in 2012. The events supports our charity SUPPORT OUR PARAS, whilst providing a challenging and enjoyable event.

The PARAS’10 RUN and PARAS’10 TAB events are open to anybody over the age of 16.
